Providing housing and services associated with supportive monitored sober housing to clients referred by the Office of Civil and Forensic Mental Health for out-of-custody competency restoration

Homelessness presents a significant challenge to out-of-custody competency evaluation and restoration.   Many defendants remain in custody during the competency process because releasing them, without a stable place to live, would not be conducive to positive restoration outcomes, and may exacerbate behavioral health conditions.  Temporary, or transitional housing, of the type that would benefit a justice-involved population, is a resource gap. statewide.   Sober-living facilities present one opportunity to meet this need.

Housing in a sober-living facility; coordination among housing managers and competency restoration case management; peer recovery coach hiring and training; employment, medication assistance, mental health and SUD therapy, and individualized care plans

Case managers (2 FTEs), mental health clinician (1 FTE), psychiatric nurse practitioner (0.5 FTE), and clinical supervisor (40 hours a year)

40 clients at a time

Decrease in individuals who require admittance to the state hospital for competency restoration; Decrease in time to reach competency outcome

This program utilizes beds in a sober-living facility to provide housing to clients undergoing competency evaluation and restoration.  Competency restoration is provided in-house by BHA-trained staff.  This program will help state policymakers determine the extent to which the sober-living environment is appropriate for a subset of clients referred for out-of-custody competency restoration.  

$1,847,630 for three years