For clients who, upon release, would otherwise be unhoused, the program provides temporary housing. This housing enables clients to receive Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) so that they can be released on bond and restored to competency out-of-custody.
Homelessness presents a significant challenge to out-of-custody competency evaluation and restoration. Many defendants remain in custody during the competency process because releasing them, without a stable place to live, would not be conducive to positive restoration outcomes, and may exacerbate behavioral health conditions. Even ACT level of treatment, which is among the most acute available in outpatient settings, is not recommended unless the client has stable housing. Temporary, or transitional housing, of the type that would benefit a justice-involved population, is a resource gap statewide.
Housing in apartments, sober living facilities and long-term motels, and case management
Program administrator; program partners with Denver Pretrial Release to provide for bond condition monitoring
30 clients at a time
Decrease in individuals who require admittance to the state hospital for competency restoration; Decrease in time to reach competency outcome; Increase in treatment service engagement during and after justice involvement
The funding allocated to this program funds short-term housing, thus enabling the release of individuals who are homeless to be safely released, treated, and managed in the community during the restoration to competency process. Housing is a significant barrier to the safe release of homeless individuals from jail. This program enables clients to receive high intensity case management out-of-custody. As such, this program addresses housing as a barrier to release, and to the receipt of clinically-appropriate services, specific to a competency restoration client base.
$400,000 for one year