Providing supportive supervised housing and services to individuals in or at risk of being in the competency system, as well as clients referred by the Office of Civil and Forensic Mental Health for out-of-custody competency restoration.

Homelessness presents a significant challenge to out-of-custody competency evaluation and restoration.   Many defendants remain in custody during the competency process because releasing them, without a stable place to live, would not be conducive to positive restoration outcomes, and may exacerbate behavioral health conditions.   Temporary, or transitional housing, of the type that would benefit a justice-involved population, is a resource gap statewide.   Fidelity Behavioral Health presents an opportunity to meet this need. 

Providing safe sober-living housing, onsite clinical counseling, case management, peer coaching, medication management, public benefits enrollment, and 24/7 staff supervision.  

Funding partially supports several staff positions to provide the program elements listed above, as well as programming, capital, housing, and operating costs.

30 clients at a time for the first year; 60 clients at a time thereafter

Decrease in individuals who require admittance to the state hospital for competency restoration; Decrease in time to reach competency outcome

This program utilizes supportive housing to establish a safe living environment for competency clients.  The funding model is unique in that by year three, the program will be self-sustainable, no longer requiring grant assistance, due to the ability to bill Medicaid for services.     

$1,683,559 for three years