This program provides 24 beds (19 for men, 5 for women) in a supportive living facility to enable the relocation of competency clients from custody, during their competency restoration, and for 90 days post restoration.

Homelessness presents a significant challenge to out-of-custody competency evaluation and restoration.  Many defendants remain in custody during the competency process because releasing them, without a stable place to live, would not be conducive to positive restoration outcomes, and may exacerbate behavioral health conditions.  Temporary, or transitional housing, of the type that would benefit the competency population, is a resource gap statewide. Sober living facilities are an opportunity to meet this need. statewide. Sober living facilities present one opportunity to meet this need.

Beds in a supportive living facility with 24/7 staffing supervision, case planning, case management, peer support, transportation to and from restoration appointments, QMAP (medication administration), and financial education.  The target length of stay in this program is 200 days. 

The Fines Committee funds two full-time mental health technicians, two full-time case managers, one director of operations, one executive director, one admissions/outreach coordinator, three full-time peer support specialists, two part-time peer support specialists, and one full-time transport driver.

24 beds estimated to serve 48 unique clients per year

Decrease in individuals who require admittance to the state hospital for competency restoration; Decrease in time to reach competency outcome; Increase in treatment service engagement during and after justice involvement

This program purchased a sober-living facility to provide housing to clients undergoing competency evaluation and restoration.   This program will help state policymakers determine the extent to which sober living environment is appropriate for a subset of clients referred for out-of-custody competency restoration. 

$3,306,273 for six years